I cant get rid of the feeling that PL is just a cash-cow now. I see a ton of people running around with 1000 plat worth of vanities and I keep hearing how some (not a few, though) drop hundreds and thousands of dollars into PL - still - even after a year of recycled events and vanities. How much man-hours did you invest in PL this year, seriously (apart from the support)... The only real new items (vanities) we got are the wreaths and the holiday helper outfit. The smart business men as you are, obviously noticed that even if all you do for PL is release the same events, you still get a nice, regular, little cash inflow without any content input. No? Well, Im asking, because I dont want to make false accusations. So, all this money goes into AL, other battle games, and also the new game(s) you are developing. There is nothing wrong with that, of course. Thats how you make the business grow. So, its obvious that AL is getting more frequent updates. But, do we really "invest" so little in PL that we dont deserve to get a new cap (or some other kind of expansion) after 2 years?

Some players feel unappreciated in this game, even after several, loyal years. There are some great MMORPGs coming in 2014 and lots of people I talked to, are considering to migrate. Thats not a threat lol, just thought Id let you know.

Anyway, if making new games and abandoning the old ones is what you do, then I hope, that people will soon realize that no STS game is there for the long run. Well, your business model seems to be good so far, so good luck in the future.