hi all,

on my humilde opinion, we all worked very hard to get mythics, it takes a time to save and buy them, after then we can only enjoy the pvp game, wich is the base for myself to love and play this game.
If you change all new items and we need to spend 6 months farming again is something a lot of us will not like much to do, this is why im convince that the best way is do the same we did with armors and helmets, let us upgrade and remain forever in our account as untradable, ( i have many friends been hacked and they lost all except the armor, helmet and pets)

So, i really bealieve the new world is fascinating, level up qnd upgrade is nice, appart from starting new and have to level so many xp to get the levelcap, we can be farming forever to get just one arcane pet at this prices dont make us get all new gear. (myself nearly a year, spent few houndreds euros and got none)

On pvp my opinion is that should be a mythic leage, make sure all players are equiped, make somehow a mini area for two players to do versus, so much to learn in this that i recommend everybody fell thenpower of their own skills. It is hard to get a spot in ctf with flagers and tmd with gangers. decreasse the stun time, or try to play a game with 5 samael and let me know.