Sometimes beckon hs works on bears unless he's an hs first type. When I was str (I'm int now too much fun u should try), I could kill a bear in 1 of my combos. Any bear can just gotta hit dat hs and cb. Iron blood is useless. Bcuz of all this dodge gear, mages have a hard time hitting fire and ice. Once u get close enuff to debuff, well... U won't even receive damage because cb has a cooldown of 4 seconds and a debuff duration of 5sec.

Quote Originally Posted by finnman View Post
HS Before beckon. Its easier.

Btw if you want to trick mages, use 2H sword, and when they ask go, then you say go and dont buff. Walk close to them unbuffed (90% possibility they type guestionmark and dont attack) when you are close enough, use fast this combo. rage-CS-CB-Beckon-Stomp-SMS

Other trick: First attack mage with normal shield+wep set. Dont use rage, but use all other buffs tho. After first nuke, run off and type "ouuuuch" while running. Mage follows you. Switch to damage set while running away in straight line. Then attack mage with: rage-beckon-CB-stomp-sms-HS-CS Mage has lost her armor buff and dies in a big confusion.

A random tip: If you dont like Copperhead sets poor regens and weakness, Get a Zombies str set. It has great regens, Infinite mana and stuff. The weapon for that set would be fishing pole but i suggest a reaper blade.