Quote Originally Posted by Snakespeare View Post

but... I am going to say the same thing on this thread as I said in Pharcyde's, but in a different way. Please forgive the near-double-post.

I think it's OK to powerlevel, provided you are in a level appropriate campaign. My personal rule of thumb is the lowest level with red threat meters that has the most hallway mobs. That gets me gear I can use, especially armor, but it moves the character more quickly through the maps. Too much repitition can burn you out on a game, so I don't do it until after completing the quests for that campaign. The devs put the Hardcore Playas elixir into the game, so it's not like it's a sin to powerlevel. The thing that's frowned on is leeching, which really means going into a level where you know your character can not even scratch the opponents and letting the others do all your work for you.

Power levelling is fine, if you don't leech.
Understandable. I am against leeches too so that is why I hosted my own game. Its impossible to leech your own match . As for the other players in the game, they joined and stayed so they can't complain :P.