Well, to be honest

I started playing last july and I 'm sure that SL did changed.

Scammers, there are a lot. tha's why there is a scammer guide for new players.

Holding a Napalm seems to be a kind of "Supremacy", we feel like people would add us as friends because we have napalms. Plot twist, they are not adding you for the nap, more because they need help to level up or just adding randomly.

If you are looking for helping people, look for the right guild. Some guilds are for merch, some for PVP, some for CTF, some are casual guilds, some are Warlords guild and some promote helping. If you are an old guildie, telling the cause of your leave to the GM is a good idea to keep friendship and contact in the case where you want to come back. f your guild promotes help, keep doing it!

Other than that, Ik that some items are getting overpriced, people are being fed up, some do cap more than once, some stay for friends and relax. Idk