Also... omg... the abuse of the word "gang"...
*when someone takes your flag do you make it mandatory only one teamate go to retrieve it? That would be 1v1? Or... is it as mentioned above... "strategy, to win the game". If someone takes my flag... all teamates to base to stop that flag asap.

*when i respawn and someone attempts to spawnkill me and teamates happen to be respawning as well. Or... if your anyehere near my teams flag, for any reason... what do you assume is going to happen? Unless your playing noobs..and expecting noobs to be at low level? Location is very important, I dont really need to say more.

Define gang perhaps. I absolutely expect to fight more than one person at a time... unless we agreed to fight 1v1 before the match. If we agreed and you attack me with someone else helping you, it is a gang. There are rules. You play to 3. Me fighting you 1v1 is not one of them.