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Thread: <Equestrian Unit>

  1. #1
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    Default <Equestrian Unit>

    "We will forsake humanity's sins. We will leave all hatred behind us, and become one with this kingdom. Regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexuality - we assemble together; fighting not for money, not for reputation, but for the innocent souls vulnerable to the Hate. We will be the recourse for those who love and tolerate yet have no other recourse; we are the Equestrian Unit, our purpose defined by the idyllic utopia. We will sometimes have to sacrifice our fame, and popularity. If the haters demand it, we will be revolutionaries, infidels, lunatics... and yes, they will might as well send us straight to hell. But what better place for us than this? It is our haven - our last haven, our heaven and our hell. This... is Equestria."

    Basic guild information for people who are probably too lazy to read the blob of stuff after this

    - Name: <Equestrian Unit>
    - Level requirement: N/A. Status of brony/pegasister optional, but highly recommended.
    - Founder/Master: Fluttershai

    I. About the Guild
    II. Rules and Policies
    III. Related Links

    I. About the Guild

    Hope you guys enjoyed the earlier quote, which may had been a bit too serious. Despite the motif's apparent seriousness, our aim is to provide a fairly relaxing and soothing gaming environment for the fellow players. In other words, we would be avoiding heavy competition with the elite guilds like <Rampage> or <Vengeance>. We want to avoid the often unnecessary drama, to create the haven we desired yet unable to achieve in the real world. However, we will be serious if it starts to get personal; after all, friends stand up for each other. However, It's only for deterrence - we intend to stop the bullying, not to become bullies ourselves. Unlike those doing the bullying, we do not find pleasure in the suffering of others.

    As you can see, the guild master is Fluttershai - not me. It's because she initiated the idea; I just merely improved it (well, maybe not merely ). She is my friend in real life, so decisions can be made a bit faster than usual. Of course, I'm the officer XD.

    While we are well aware that a brony/pegasister guild already exists (Sparkling Pwnies, or SP for short), they do not seem to be nearly as active as before (missed them...), I talked with some of the members of the SP guild; they seemed pretty cool with the idea to start up another brony guild. This does not, however, mean that our guild is a revival of the SP. Though it is a distinct possibility that some ex-SP might join our guild, we are not the same guild. While this is not a revival, some of the spirit/ideals the SP had are present in this guild.

    In short, <Equestrian Unit> will be your typical "relaxed/casual gaming" guild, somewhere you can simply enjoy the game at your own pace.

    II. Rules and Policies

    Despite that <Equestrian Unit> is a relaxed, friendly guild, it does still has some rules and policies - just like the game itself, and many other guilds in game. Most are pretty straight forward, so please abide by them.

    1. Joining
    There is currently no specific requirement for joining, though a status of being a brony/pegasister is highly recommended. It is ok if you are not one (we might eventually turn you into one anyways ). You can even join if you don't exactly like mlp all that much, but expect a moderate amount of pony-related (including all generations) chats, and please keep the Hate to yourself.

    2. Promote /Demote
    Every recruit starts as a member, so don't expect yourself to be an officer in like 4 seconds. We will decide whether or not to promote you based on a combination of many factors.

    - Your time of stay
    - How much did you contribute to or help out with other players, which includes EVERYONE in game, regardless of whether the subjects are in the guild or not.
    - Overall behavior (like being polite, not spamming/insulting, etc)

    Recruiters specifics
    - DO NOT spam random players with guild invites. I know this will cripple our member count, but it's better to ask politely for players to voluntarily join than to spam them with invites, adds frustrations...

    Officers specifics
    - Officers will be decided VERY cautiously. We heard too many sad stories about good guilds getting ruined by kickers...
    - Same policy as recruiters, DO NOT spam random players with guild invites.
    - Please don't kick random members for trivial reasons or for fun...

    3. To get along
    - Be polite and mature. Our most important of all rule is RESPECT. Take the WWPD (What Would a Pony Do) effect into account.
    - This guild is a NO BULLY zone.
    - No scamming; earn your things properly, and there will be no guilt of such bothering you.
    - Don't spam unless declaring a spam war, even then keep it appropriate. (like when someone yells "stop!", you STOP)
    - Help out other players if you can, even if they're not part of the guild. We are trying to show new (and old) players that there are nice players out there, and that not everyone is a jerk.
    - You may ask for things and request for help, but no begging. We enjoy helping players out but we have our own business to take care of too.
    - Avoid unnecessary drama. We understand that some drama are inevitable, but keep it to a minimum, and don't get personal. The key for winning a quarrel is staying on topic and being calm and logical.
    - Don't rush in pvp, sparks unnecessary conflicts...
    - When hosting "guild only" runs, use a PASSWORD. Getting booted from a room feels terrible no matter for what reason.
    - Don't spam random players with guild/friend requests. Friendship is Magic, but spamming is not.

    4. Official T&C's
    Star Legends has its own rules as well. Abide by them, no questions asked.

    5. Leaving
    Unlike some guilds that get pissed off whenever someone leaves, and later try to make those who left miserable somehow, we are ok with it. But don't just simply leave lol, give us a goodbye before departing.

    - Inform the guild that you are leaving.
    - Provide some information for reasons for departure (like starting your own guild, joining another friend's guild, etc)
    - Keep in touch, and continue to help out. Though you are no longer a member of <Equestrian Unit>, it won't stop you from helping others, hanging out, and having fun.

    6. Rejoining
    If you left and later come to regret your decision, we will always be there for you.

    7. Kicking
    At last, this... we don't usually kick players out of guild, but when we do, there's always an adequate reason/explanation. Keep this in mind, we NEVER kick out players for fun or for some trivial reasons. As we said before, we don't seek pleasure in the suffering of others.

    If you got kicked (or appeared to be kicked), it's probably b/c of
    - You repeatedly violated our policies or Star Legend's T&C's. Bronies/pegasisters love and tolerate, but there's a limit for everything.
    - You got kicked by a kicker. This would RARELY happen as officers are chosen with EXTREME CAUTION. If you are kicked b/c of this, keep in mind: If you are innocent, we will come back for you. The recovery procedure is simple: send a friend request to the guild master, or/and officer/recruiter, or let a recruiter/officer or the guild master herself know of the situation if you bumped into him/her or you know that he/she is online.
    - You ACCIDENTALLY clicked leave guild. We are human beings, and humans make careless mistakes like these. Same recovery procedure as the one if you got kicked by a kicker.
    - An officer or the guild master herself ACCIDENTALLY kicked you. As I said humans make careless mistakes at times. Same recovery procedure as the one if you got kicked by a kicker.

    III. Related Links

    Some links that you may find helpful, or somewhat related to us.

    Guide for guilds for new players/members:

    <Sparkling Pwnies>, to know more about them:!

    Well that pretty much sums up <Equestrian Unit>. Join if you're interested in joining us, or in ponies.
    You can message Fluttershai or me in game or reply to this post, or you can private message me on forums if you like. Don't simply send a friend request b/c it's hard to distinguish your request with that of friend request spammers.

    "We've been shedding blood, sweat, and tears - all to fight off the haters. Crawling our ways through bloody battlefield dirt, all for ponies.
    Last edited by Solid Scorpion; 02-27-2014 at 11:37 PM.
    Uphold the magic of friendship, with a heart of gold and nerves of steel. This is my creed.

  2. #2
    Senior Member morfic's Avatar
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    Good luck Solid! If I ever get back in game, I'll be sure to swing a brohoof your way.

    On a side note, I think I still own the "Fluttershy" name.

    Let's make it SPARKLE!

  3. #3
    Senior Member morfic's Avatar
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    Name:  yep.PNG
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    Let's make it SPARKLE!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by morfic View Post
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    Lol no wonder Flutter wasn't allowed to spell her name correctly
    Wait wha?! Fluttershy is a commando? I thought she's more of an engineer kind.
    Uphold the magic of friendship, with a heart of gold and nerves of steel. This is my creed.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Fluttershai's Avatar
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    Wow :'D
    Best guild intro I've seen in a while.

    BTW thanks for the tier 3 guild hall.

    Quote Originally Posted by morfic View Post
    Name:  yep.PNG
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    You made me mis-spell my name. :'(

    Nah it's ok I'm fine with that. Sparkling Pwnies still hanging onto it!

    <Equestrian Unit>
    Fluttershai - lvl 50+ Engineer

    I wuv you Solid! *squee*

  6. #6
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    A compilation of all the friendship lessons in mlp:fim, for those who need the way. (some quotes are modified for better understanding)


    "It is wonderful to have friends."

    "the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings."

    "while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer."

    "it's hard to accept when someone you like wants to spend time with someone who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and the one who is true will surely come to light."

    "it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends."

    "never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears."

    "if you embrace each other's differences, you just might be surprised to discover a way to be friends after all..."

    "Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is; It's the contents that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever."

    "sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives... Even when they don't always seem to make sense..."

    "we all have hidden talents, and if we're patient and diligent we're sure to find them. And as always, with good friendship and teamwork, we can accomplish anything..."

    "Sometimes, the thing you think will cause you to lose friends and feel left out can actually be the thing that helps you make your closest friends and realize how special you are..."

    "It's important to remember that the friendship is always more important than the competition."

    "when someone offers to do you a favor, like making you a beautiful dress, you shouldn't be overly critical of something generously given to you."

    "there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them."

    "be there for your friends."

    "Don't bite off more than you can chew."

    "instead of forcing ourselves to do something that's not meant for us...We each should be embracing our true talents."

    "Just because someone is lady-like doesn't make him/her weak. In fact, by using his/her wits, someone seemingly defenseless can be the one who outsmarts and outshines them all."

    "Being a good friend means being able to keep a secret, but you should never be afraid to share your true feelings with a good friend."

    "Even the worst of enemies can become friends. You need understanding and compromise. You've got to share. You've got to care."

    "Don't simply jump to conclusions. Ask for details."

    "Everyone everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and you're still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows, maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow."

    "being jealous, and telling lies, gets you nowhere in friendship."

    "there's plenty of love for every friend to share."

    "Always expect the best from your friends and never assume the worst. Rest assured that a good friend always has your best interests at heart."

    "Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great."

    "friendship isn't always easy. But there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."

    "you should take your friends' worries seriously, even if you don't think that she has anything to worry about. And that you shouldn't let your worries turn a small problem into an enormously huge entire-town-in-total-chaos Princess-has-to-come-and-save-the-day problem."

    "the best things you can do with friendship is to give it to others, and help them find it themselves!"

    "even though someone seems a little intimidating, even scary, when you offer them your friendship, you'll discover a whole new him/her underneath."

    "being siblings is a wonderful thing, but it takes teamwork. Sometimes it's about compromising. Sometimes it's about accepting each others' differences. But mostly, it's about having fun together."

    "Waiting for what your heart desires can be really hard. So, you may try to take a shortcut. But this dishonesty never works, because you didn't earn what your heart desired. The only cure is being honest with yourself, and others. And that's something every heart desires."

    "the most important quality of a winner is a certain kind of spirit. A stick-to-it-ive-ness. A never give up, can-do attitude -- that's the mark of a real winner."

    "it's great to be really good at something, but it's important to act with grace and humility, including when others outshine you."

    "no matter where you go in life, you should never forget that you are the product of your home and your friends. And that is something always to be proud of, no matter what."

    "you might think that it would feel good to get lots and lots of stuff, but it doesn't feel nearly as good as giving something special to someone you really care about. it truly is better to give than to receive, and that kindness and generosity are what lead to true friendship."

    "Some of us might be foolish enough to hate, but no matter what our differences, we're all ponies/humans."

    "Your family is super special! You just might have forgot that for a little while."

    "Being a caregiver is way more responsibility than just being a playmate, sometimes, our desire for responsibility can outrun our actual ability to handle it."

    "there's no reason to hide when you don't do as well as you'd hoped. You can't run away from your problems. Better to run to your friends and family."

    "If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself."

    "You shouldn't shut something away until you've tried it."

    "No one can force two ponies/people to be together, It's up to everyone to choose that very special someone for themselves."

    "There are many different kinds of friends, and many ways to express friendship. Some friends like to run and laugh and play together. But others just like to be left alone, and that's fine too. But the best thing about friendship is being able to make your friends smile."

    "standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are."

    "solve problems as they come, and stop worrying about every little thing."

    "who you are is not the same as what you are."

    "Sometimes you can feel like what you have to offer is too little to make a difference, but everyone's contribution is important, no matter how small. If you just keep your head high, do your best and believe in yourself, anything can happen."

    "respect everyone's privacy."

    "it's not good to jump to conclusions. You have to find out all the facts before saying someone did something. If you don't, you could end up blaming someone for something they never did. This could hurt their feelings. And it could make you feel really foolish."

    "Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn."

    "understand the meaning of self-sacrifice rather than looking out for your own best interests."

    "It's great to have fun, but it's even greater to have great friends. And having lots of friends means that you sometimes have to make choices as to who you'll spend your time with. But that's okay, because good friends will always give you lots of opportunities to have fun. So even if you're missing out, it's never for long."

    "Everyone has fears, and everyone must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue."

    "there's a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless."

    "when you're with folks you care about, you don't have to do much to make that time memorable. Even the simplest of activities can take on a whole lot of meaning! And you'll find that you'll remember the who long after you've forgotten the what."

    "when you're friends you can't always have things exactly your way all the time."

    "it feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself."

    "stay calm and collected, and you'll do a terrific job."

    "The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria, it's everywhere. You can seek it out. Or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours."

    "A true leader leads not by forcing others to bow before him/her, but by inspiring others to stand with him/her."

    "it's good to know that whenever your imagination is getting away from you, a good friend can help you rein it in."

    "Knowing something about the past makes it easier to deal with problems in the present."

    "it is important to trust a good friend."

    "You're you! it just doesn't matter if you can succeed or not. Maybe you'll succeed someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway."

    "just because some don't always need your help, doesn't mean that he/she doesn't think you're helpful."

    "you don't have to have superpowers to be a super friend."

    "you shouldn't let anyone pressure you into doing something you don't think is right. Sometimes you have to tell even your closest friends 'no'."

    "there are ponies/people who will take advantage of your generosity, but you should never, ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit."

    "Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends."

    "being a good family isn't about being perfect as much as it is about being able to get through the rough patches together. About being able to forgive each other for mistakes."

    "really good friends can also feel like your family."

    "You may can't deny the fact that you love to win, but if you ever have to choose between winning and your friends, you're always gonna choose your friends. 'Cause as much as you love winning, you'll love them waaaaay more."

    "when you're with a good friend, even the most chaotic day can end up being a great experience."

    "You shouldn't let your pride get in the way of you. Mark this, no one could ever replace you for who you are."

    "real friends will like you for who you are, and changing yourself to impress them is no way to make new ones."

    Will update when more comes out.

    And finally, this is for all bronies/pegasisters, who may have faced violent opposition from the Hate.

    "Love binds us together. Love of life, of culture, of the world. Fight to preserve what inspires hope."
    Uphold the magic of friendship, with a heart of gold and nerves of steel. This is my creed.

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    OMG we broke 100 members! I can't believe it!
    I'm soooo excited b/c I never imagined that my guild would become this BIG!
    Thank you everypony!

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    <Equestrian Unit>
    Fluttershai - lvl 50+ Engineer

    I wuv you Solid! *squee*

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    I decided to design a logo for our guild (or rather, Equestrian Unit in general)

    The truth is, Equestrian Unit does not only exist in this game.
    It somewhat started as a concept of my (pony) fan fiction, but then later on I realized that I can actually turn this into a reality (hopefully).
    My dear friend Fluttershai is apparently working on something similar (in this game) and was having trouble coming up with guild names (Well, Equestrian Girls was a bit too hard for me, as I am a..well...guy).

    Anyway, here it is.

    Name:  Equestrian Unit Logo.png
Views: 509
Size:  46.9 KB

    I know this seems rough, and I expect it to be so, since I don't have a tablet. (which means I have to draw everything with my mouse only!)

    Alright, that concludes my little presentation and some addition info about Equestrian Unit, look forward to seeing you folks in game, and best of all, have fun!
    Uphold the magic of friendship, with a heart of gold and nerves of steel. This is my creed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solid Scorpion View Post

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    not bad... but I can't tell what it is -.-

  10. #10
    Junior Member Fluttershai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solid Scorpion View Post
    I decided to design a logo for our guild (or rather, Equestrian Unit in general)

    The truth is, Equestrian Unit does not only exist in this game.
    It somewhat started as a concept of my (pony) fan fiction, but then later on I realized that I can actually turn this into a reality (hopefully).
    My dear friend Fluttershai is apparently working on something similar (in this game) and was having trouble coming up with guild names (Well, Equestrian Girls was a bit too hard for me, as I am a..well...guy).

    Anyway, here it is.

    Name:  Equestrian Unit Logo.png
Views: 509
Size:  46.9 KB

    I know this seems rough, and I expect it to be so, since I don't have a tablet. (which means I have to draw everything with my mouse only!)

    Alright, that concludes my little presentation and some addition info about Equestrian Unit, look forward to seeing you folks in game, and best of all, have fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by thecoldpath View Post
    not bad... but I can't tell what it is -.-
    It's kind of like the flag of Equestria (main setting of my little pony: friendship is magic, which is kind of what this guild is based on)

    Last edited by Fluttershai; 02-26-2014 at 09:09 PM.

    <Equestrian Unit>
    Fluttershai - lvl 50+ Engineer

    I wuv you Solid! *squee*

  11. #11
    Senior Member DivineMyth's Avatar
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    that spam tho o.o

  12. #12
    Junior Member Fluttershai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecoldpath View Post
    that spam tho o.o
    It's fixed

    <Equestrian Unit>
    Fluttershai - lvl 50+ Engineer

    I wuv you Solid! *squee*

  13. #13
    Senior Member DivineMyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluttershai View Post
    It's fixed
    pro :O

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