Quote Originally Posted by Aedenos View Post
My only thing is... I'm worried you guys are changing too much too fast. Its going to overwhelm a lot of players. I saw something similar happen during the Humania release in Pocket Legends. For me, all the different turnstile and elite gear etc etc really turned me (and a lot of others) off. I'm all for new stuff. Just not all at once.

That's just my opinion though.

On the surface, I love this idea. But combined with the new arcane shard stuff and the new itemization... its a LOT.
I have to agree that AL is can be very confusing and overwhelming with complicity to new players, or a returning player like me. I really like the way PL was organized in the sense of skills, map, etc. I know that if it was an exact copy of the interface it wouldn't be good but I was thinking of some system closer to PL where you can choose what games you want to join easily, and more skill slots, like said before me I think a 5th skill slot would be great. And overall something... better, it's hard to explain and it may just be that I need to get used to it.