Quote Originally Posted by Hoardseeker
Thx your guide's link added to new players guide...I want to add one more thing.

Newbie Stealer
This scam will happens when you tell someone that you got an arcane/mythic item[red/orange colored items] at a low level and the scammer tries to trick you and buy it at ridiculasly low price

Example: you purchased some plats and got Samael's Egg when you tell someone that you got a red Egg or samael's egg they will tell you that they will buy it for 500000gold! Don't think that he offers more than the egg cost...the egg costs about 24000000g many new players get affected by this...Never trade a orange/red item without checking the price in CS/Auction House
Thanks Hoardy . But that scam is already in my guide under "The Price Predator" scam.