Quote Originally Posted by PL•ayer View Post
Awesome idea!

I wonder why sts decided to keep the cap relatively low and why they limited it to 7 digits. Maybe adding more digits takes up more memory? There's gotta be a reason why they left it at 9,999,999 rather than 10 mil.
Memory/resources with support for more digits is not a concern. Back in the day, 7 digits was more than sufficient.

Keep in mind that various items have exploded many times in value over the years, so today, their costs are much, much more than they were 1, 2 or 3 years ago - much more than anyone ever could have anticipated. Each new expansion brought new highs. Specifically, items that no longer drop and/or are extremely rare hold immense value today (think uncrafted "Black Dragon" sets, L71 Elites, and so on). I seriously doubt that STS ever saw inflation in PL coming to this level, and that they believed 7 digits was more than sufficient at the launch of the game - and it was. But that was then and this is now. With many items selling for 10M-100M today, a gold cap of 9.99M obviously is no longer befitting. IMHO, a gold cap allowing support of up to 100,000,000 (100M) is simply ideal.