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Thread: Elite Chronicles: Rogues Guide To Elite Tindirin [Jagged Trail]

  1. #1
    Senior Member GoodSyntax's Avatar
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    Default Elite Chronicles: Rogues Guide To Elite Tindirin [Jagged Trail]

    Tribal Abomination - We've seen all the posts about how difficult this map is, how glitchy the warning zones are, how he can one-hit you with no warning at all. In my opinion, this is the easiest of the Elite Tindirin maps because the boss is slow and very predictable, the number of kills before the boss spawns isn't that absurd and anyone wearing higher quality gear should be able to breeze through this map without much issue.

    At the start of the map, you will find one archer and three spear holders. Occasionally, you will see a whelp pop in, looking to join the party, but there is no need for patience here. Fire off a shot to get their attention and start retreating.

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    Retreat back to the entrance gateway at the start of the map. This will reset the melee mobs, leaving you and the archer to face off. Advantage: Rogue.

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    With the archer disposed of, return back to the group and aggro them once again.

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    Retreat back to the melee reset point and attempt to hook the trailing spearman by launching a barrage of attacks the moment the first of the melee mobs reset. This may take several attempts, but it is simply better to go 1v1 or 1v2 whenever possible. 1v3 could be pressing your luck in some cases, so better safe than sorry. With some practice, you will figure out when that magic moment is to hook only one mob while the other two reset.

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    With two spearmen remaining, the odds should be tilted in your favor. Aggro either one (be patient and wait for the whelp to reposition out of aggro range), and retreat back just a bit. If you happen to get the whelp, retreat, reset the group and try again. When you have gathered the attention of just the two spearmen, retreat, drop a Shadow Veil and spam away. Focus all of your attacks on one mob at a time.

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    Proceed onward to the group of whelps. Exercise some patience and wait for the moment when one whelp is isolated to fire an attack to gain aggro. Now that you have his attention, retreat, drop Shadow Veil and kill him off quickly.

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    With the remaining two, you can take them both on at once if you are impatient. Two whelps isn't as much of a threat as three can be. If you are not comfortable, you can certainly wait for them to reposition and take them down one at a time.

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    Proceed ahead to the boulder. This will trigger three mobs to jump out of the bushes. Two spearmen and one archer.

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    As is my preference, I like to reset melee mobs and kill off the ranged ones first. If you retreat to the end of the bridge, the melee mobs will reset, leaving you alone with the archer.

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    With two spearmen remaining, this is another judgement call. You can either aggro them both and fight them both at the same time, or you can retreat to the reset point and attempt to hook one of the two as they are resetting. I chose to take them both on at the same time.

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    Proceed ahead, and you will notice two archers. Fire off a bow shot at range to get their attention and retreat back just a bit. You definitely do not what to aggro what is ahead...yet.

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    Now that you are well clear of the group ahead, I like to pin the archers against the edge of the trail before I drop my Shadow Veil. With their backs against the boulder, you can attack them directly without them retreating and repositioning.

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    What lies ahead is usually the end of the road for weaker parties because this is where strategy (or lack thereof) fail them. Knowing the mob types ahead is critical for success. Up ahead, we have three spearmen, three scorns and an archer. Each mob has their own characteristics, which you can take advantage of. Go ahead and aggro the entire group and start retreating.

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    PRO TIP: The scorns run faster than most mobs. When you are retreating, the scorns will pull ahead of the pack, and therefore reset before any other mob. The archers are ranged mobs and will set up further away than melee mobs. Standing just inside the melee reset point will reset all melee mobs and leave the archer behind. Use this information to your advantage.

    Set up just before the fenceline here. This is the melee reset point. When the melee mobs have all reset, you will be left all alone with the lone archer. This should not present much of a challenge.

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    Return back to the group and aggro them once again. Based on the original positions of the mob, the masked spearman's reset point is just a tiny bit further away than the other two spearmen. If you set up right at the fenceline, you can either hook the masked spearman, or if you are willing to make several attempts, you can simply wait while the other two reset. I chose to hook, but either strategy will work.

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    Return and aggro the group once again. With the scorns resetting early, you have the choice of hooking one at a time, or taking them both down simultaneously. I hooked one at a time in this case.

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    Here comes the fun part, three scorns. There is no way to separate these three with any consistency - you can try a hooking strategy, but if you feel confident (which you should), you can manage all three at once. I strongly recommend having a speed pet in this case, because without one, this strategy may not work because the scorns will move just as fast (if not faster) as you. Aggro the group and start retreating. While retreating, fire off your ranged skills - NO PIERCE! Once you reach the path (the dirt trail part of the map), turn around and run through the group and back the other side. Keep running toward the point where you aggroed them, firing aimed shot and noxious bolt. Once you reach their original locations, turn and run through the group again, retreating back to the dirt path. This approach should be successful because the scorns are melee mobs and have no form of ranged attacks. As long as you are outside of their melee range, they have no way to attack you. As long as you keep moving and keep them behind you, you will not take any damage except for that brief moment when you are running through the group.

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    With that cluster of mobs out of the way, you can proceed ahead to the two archers and one spearman. Aggro the group and start retreating.

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    Retreat back to the boulder. This is the reset point for the spearman, leaving you to face the two archers. This should not be a major problem, so go ahead and take them out.

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    Return back and attack the spearman at range. Once you have his attention, retreat back just a bit - you don't want an errant arrow aggroing the group up ahead.

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    Continue onward to the two archers, two scorns and spearman. Aggro the group and retreat once again.

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    Retreat all the way back to the dirt path. The edge of the bridge is the reset point for the melee mobs (both the scorns and the spearman). Wait for all melee mobs to reset before you start attacking the archers.

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    Proceed back to the group once again and aggro them.

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    Here, we will be taking advantage of the fact that the scorns run faster than the spearman. Run all the way back to the dirt path again and let the two scorns reset. Once they have reset, you can start attacking the trailing spearman immediately.

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    Now that we are down to the two remaining scorns, we will use the same approach as before. Attack them both and start retreating. Fire off aimed shot and noxious bolt as you are running. When you start getting close to the dirt path, turn, run through the oncoming scorns and keep running, firing off aimed and nox the whole time. Keep repeating this strategy until both scorns have been handled.

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    Up ahead is a cluster of whelps. You can pick them off one or two at a time as soon as they become isolated from the rest of the pack. Be patient and wait for the right opportunity. If you make a mistake and aggro the entire group, retreat and reset the pack.

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    With the whelps cleared, proceed ahead to the next group. Here you will find two spearmen, an archer, a shaman and a scorn. Aggro the group and start your retreat.

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    Retreat back to the bridge, right about where the pillars are. This will reset all melee mob, leaving you to face the archer alone.

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    Aggro the group once again and retreat back to the pillars on the bridge. If you keep firing off charged Nox as you retreat, the shaman often stops to do a heal. This gives you just a fraction of a second where you can allow the two spearmen to reset and rush in to attack the shaman.

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    Repeat this process one more time to isolate the two spearmen. As soon as the scorns reset, start your attacks on the trailing spearmen.

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    With just the scorn left, you should be able to manage this encounter. Stay out of melee range as much as you can so you don't get hit with their killer electrified bites.

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    Next up is an intimidating sight. A pack of scorns, some nearby whelps and a giant troll. Aggro the group with a bow shot (don't use Nox here) and start your retreat.

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    Fortunately, the troll is a slow, lumbering beast. The much faster whelps and scorns will reset early back near the boulder and fenceline. The reason why you don't want to use Nox when doing this pull is because the poison from Nox causes the scorns/whelps to stall for a fraction of a second every time the poison damage ticks. This slows them down enough that it becomes difficult to hook the troll before he too resets. With just the troll around, get him away from his reset point and take him down!

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    The three scorns can present a challenge. Here you have two choices, attempt to hook them one by one, or use the same approach you used on the previous packs of scorns. I chose to pull them, plow through the group and fire skills behind me, like I had done earlier.

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    Now, onward to the free-range whelps. These guys keep moving around all over the place. Be patient, wait until one or two get isolated and take them down one or two at a time. Repeat this process until you have cleared this area of all whelps.

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    What lies ahead is the most difficult part of this map. From this point, you have to run the gauntlet and get all the way into the boss's chamber. This is far less difficult in a party with Warriors, but since you are a solo Rogue, you don't get that luxury. A speed pet really helps here, as does high HP and/or armor. It's a long walk, so steel yourself. Round the corner, keep running, don't stop. Don't fire off any attacks while you run. You don't want to gather aggro from mobs ahead of you until you are close enough to smell their foul breath! Pot the entire time you are running, whether you need it or not!

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    Once into the boss chamber, all the mobs will reset, except for this one annoying snake. A confrontation like this with Rogues, being 1v1 specialists, shouldn't be too much of an issue. Kill the snake and take a breather - that was a long run!

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    Once you have yourself gathered, retreat back just a little bit. As you can see from the minimap, there are a bunch of whelps and two archers hanging out there. Aggro the group, and retreat back into the boss chamber. Right at the edge of the fenceline on the left is the reset point for the trailing whelps and one of the archers. Archers, being ranged mobs will stay behind, giving you an opportunity to go 1v1.

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    Repeat the process again, stopping right next to the boulder, which will isolate the other archer.

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    With only whelps left, retreat back to the group. Be patient and use your minimap so you can isolate one or two whelps at a time. If you pull more than you are comfortable with (because you don't want to make that run again), retreat and reset. Keep repeating this process of pulling in whelps until you have killed off three of them.

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    With three whelps taken down, the boss (Tribal Abomination) will spawn.

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    Abomination himself is an easy boss to handle for Rogues. Equip a speed pet - it really will improve survivability, even at the expense of DMG and other stats. Keep circling him, firing off charged Nox and Aimed. NEVER STOP RUNNING! As long as you keep moving, you will never be hit by one of the falling boulders.

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    Abomination has one attack, a long range windup attack where for two seconds, he is immobilized while he pulls his club out of the ground. You get an opportunity to do two full Aimed, Nox, Pierce cycles here, but be very judicious about this. Abomination will often do a 360 degree windup attack as soon as he is free, and it may be difficult to get out of range in time. Avoid the temptation of pummel him, because you can (and will) get yourself into trouble. Just as I took this screenshot, Abomination did a windup attack, became immobilized and I got greedy and tried to kill him before he could counter-attack. Needless to say, I was not fast enough and needed to plat revive and fight him all over again to take the final screen shot.

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    This map drops Magmatic Staves - a high value item if you get lucky. Use this information wisely and this map isn't all that challenging. Go in without a plan, and this map is impossible.

    Best of luck!

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

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    Default Elite Chronicles: Rogues Guide To Elite Tindirin [Jagged Trail]

    Nice strategy Kalizzaa. I've been using the pull and let some reset tactics too.
    It's all about the game plan!

    As for the troll 360 degree windup attack. I don't think that it is a full circle swing, there is a little room to stand behind him for warrior. It's more like Oltgar attack, u have that little slice of cake to stand in. Only in this case you can't see the red zones.

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    Nice Guide, Sometimes People Can't understeand the word "Plan"

    ING: Valkiryas - Alassien

  5. #4
    Forum Adept Classychic's Avatar
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    I usually run on the next corner after you make your run, Kali. Will try this one next time.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Classychic View Post
    I usually run on the next corner after you make your run, Kali. Will try this one next time.
    A lot of folks from my guild do it that way too.

    I just prefer this one because once at the boss chamber, everyone gets a chance to rest for a moment, Warriors have time to let HoR/Jug/VB cooldown, Sorcs have time for Clock/Shield to cooldown and you can control when the boss spawns. Also, I just don't like fighting in restricted spaces like the bridge - when a windup attack is coming, you simply cannot avoid them if you are in dagger range.

    It's simply my preference, because both methods work equally well.

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodSyntax View Post
    A lot of folks from my guild do it that way too.

    I just prefer this one because once at the boss chamber, everyone gets a chance to rest for a moment, Warriors have time to let HoR/Jug/VB cooldown, Sorcs have time for Clock/Shield to cooldown and you can control when the boss spawns. Also, I just don't like fighting in restricted spaces like the bridge - when a windup attack is coming, you simply cannot avoid them if you are in dagger range.

    It's simply my preference, because both methods work equally well.
    Good point on skills cooldown. I really prefer running and then plat reviving when I have an "accident", but some runs we had to clear most if not all mobs for guildies without plat

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    Quote Originally Posted by Classychic View Post
    Good point on skills cooldown. I really prefer running and then plat reviving when I have an "accident", but some runs we had to clear most if not all mobs for guildies without plat
    They key is to have any non-plat players trail significantly behind the lead players (I'm assuming you have a tank than can pull huge aggro). If you let the plat players start the run, the non-plat players can wait until all of the mobs in the first corner are engaged and trailing. If the non-plat players start their run when the corner is clear, then, for the most part, they won't encounter any mobs (except for those running back to reset). They cannot attack at any point during their run - better to be safe than accidentally picking up aggro on the lagging mob who happened to get stunned by the tank or Sorcs fireball. Sorcs should not drop clocks if non-plat players are following, it breaks down the entire approach because it is reliant on a clear running lane and predictable mob resets.

    This is why I like my starting point on the run. If the lead players run to the center of the boss chamber, then the non-plat players don't even have to worry about the mobs before the boss who haven't quite reset yet.

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

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    Noted. will give it a shot tonight.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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    wow. awesme kali. love it

  11. #10
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    Nice. Thanks for this. I think this is easiest of bosses as well. Will def put your ideas to good use.


  12. #11
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    OMG!! is it take so long if party with 4 people with standard gears? -_-

  13. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kreasadriii View Post
    OMG!! is it take so long if party with 4 people with standard gears? -_-
    It's not too bad. Depending on the strength of your party, you combine pulls. If you have a decent party, do one group at a time, if you have a great party, combine two or three pulls at a time.

    You have to play with what you are comfortable with. If you pull too large a group, use the reset points I detailed in this guide to recover and cut down on the mobs attacking you.

    I've run this map with a strong party in about 9 minutes. Mainstream parties can probably do this in around 15-17 minutes, once you have the pulls down.

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

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    At this point, with the Tindirin season near its end (hopefully), I've soloed this map so many times, that I am actually adding a spin to it so that I am facing more mobs at any given time. The basic strategy is still the same, it just becomes a matter of comfort and how much you think you can handle given your build and gear.

    This morning, I just did a run, as I usually do, with no intention beyond just making the run. Even though there were several points that I thought I did poorly, this is what you are capable of if you follow the strategy and put your own twist onto it so you really challenge yourself.

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    I'm very confident that a sub-13 minute pure solo is not only possible, but inevitable. As you become increasingly familiar with the map, the challenge decreases, so you end up really pressing the envelope and taking on larger and larger pulls. Push yourself, sharpen your skills, add your own twist to the strategy and make it your own! There is no such thing as a map that is impossible to solo!

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

  15. #14
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    Ran through without death nor razor assistance? Time to buy a lotto ticket! Looks like something's bugged here, I see the damage elix icon that you love running with but the run is pure? :P

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    PS: Don't hurt me pls. XD

  17. #16
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    That would be gyrm's damage buff nabface, wouldn't it?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serancha View Post
    That would be gyrm's damage buff nabface, wouldn't it?
    You're thinking Shadowlurk's AA. Here the AA is intact. No damage buff pet has the little damage sign appear. The only case I can explain the image is if it's an archon.. but then again who would save his lep-set with something that takes 300 HP off mythic ring?

    Got some explaining to do kal.

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    Am I the only one who noticed that the time started decreasing at some point
    Anyways, nice guide for those thrill seeking solo'ers

  20. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madnex View Post
    PS: Don't hurt me pls. XD
    Oh, it's on! ;-)

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

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    Quote Originally Posted by Madnex View Post
    Ran through without death nor razor assistance? Time to buy a lotto ticket! Looks like something's bugged here, I see the damage elix icon that you love running with but the run is pure? :P
    What I do is I use Sam for the first part of the map, and when I'm ready for the run, use Gyrm and an Armor/HP loadout. Grym is my preferred pet for the run because of the speed bonus and his AA is also an enemy crit reducer, so even when I get stunned, I can use the AA and avoid the crit damage (most of the time). Then, once I get to Abomination, I wait until he does that long range attack and swap my loadout to my Max DMG.

    As far as why you're seeing the DMG buff icon, it could either be from Aimed Shot, or from my Archon Ring of Potency....not sure which.

    And yes, as I said, there were two points in my run which I was not happy with, but a sub 13 minute run is quite solid!

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

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