Quote Originally Posted by Merrrrrrrked View Post
So I've been pvping quite a bit in the 25-27 bracket and spend majority of my time clashing with other guilds. It's becomes quite apparent the tactics that some guilds use (in this bracket and other brackets) can create very unfair fighting situations. Im talking about things such as spot blocking, bringing 4-5 tanks, spawn farming, lobby blocking, pack stealing etc...

I realize that none of these things are against ToS but let's be real, what fun is there if guilds do this. PVP has really lost it's fun over the past year and with all these tactics my favorite part of PVP (clashing) is now becoming a nuisance.

I won't put any names out there but daily i face every single one of these aforementioned tactics. When will there be rules that guilds follow to ensure clean 5v5 clashes?

Here are some basic guidelines that I try to follow in my clashing:

No blocking of any sort
Max 2 from each class
Even number of people on each side
Keep fights in middle of map
No spawn rushing (let other team rg)
Check if other team is ready before rushing in

I'm posting this because it has become increasingly frustrating to fight guilds that fight dirty, and it honestly takes away from the fun of PVP.

I want to hear about your experiences with "dirty" guild clashing tactics. And what can be done to stop it.

Please refrain from listing any names of guilds or players to avoid this thread being closed!

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This has been issue for so long.
Want u want is too ideal.
You can only come up with the 5on5 that u want if both team agreed to play like that. It becomes a friendly game.
But don't expect it if your dealing with your rival guilds. Coz both team want to destroy each. Both Guild members experienced ganged from each guild so everyone wants revenge in whatever means they can its unevitable ,cant be controlled.
If u cant play how the lvl25-27 pvp goes
You need to adjust.
Until STS make a move for your concern.