Quote Originally Posted by Jig:1573738
Occult this is freaking wicked haha! Heck them weapons actually look beast as I love it xD I really do hear a lot of players wanting an underwater theme, maybe it just what everyone wants! Sts maybe you should get onto it, its a good thing knowing what 95% of the community would love

Occult you yourself should be paid for this, this is the closest thing to an expansion for us
Those weps are from monster hunter xP I don't have a 3D designing program so I cant design my own. Everything here is edited using pre-existing images, that's why I only take credit for the edits and nothing else.

I created this concept for a contest on the contest section. I figured it would be neat to share. Just to let people's imagination run wild

Whether or not a new cap is ever released, I just do art as a hobby.

Thanks for your admiration.