Heya all you Arcane Legends players, I'm Nexus, and I'm new to both the game and the forums. I guess it's up to you to define new, as I have 3 characters (of different classes) but none of them are over level 15.

A little information about me: I am male, my favourite colour is red, my favourite class is the Sorcerer.

A little information about my characters:
Nexusblaze is my Sorcerer, he's *supposed* to be my main but I'm using my Warrior just as much as him. I also do most of my trading with him as he has the money.
Nexusbane is my Warrior, and is my co-main character and doesn't deal with money as much as my mage.
Nexusblades is my Rogue, and is only level 10 now and all her money is transferred to the stash until needed.

And before I conclude, I would like to give a shout out to Inkredble and his alt Inkredible for helping me along the way.

Hope to see you in the forums!
Happy battling!
- Nexus -