I remember that guy from S4! It was a pity that I couldn't communicate with him effectively... I tried to speak too him using Konglish (Korean in English), but he didn't know enough English to understand! It's sad whenever I hear of someone that leaves the game. It makes me regret not getting to know that person while he/she was still around, knowing that I would probably never see that person again...

I'd like to mention my good and honest friend, Woofcookie. In my fair opinion, he was probably the best mage I ever knew as far as skill. I looked up to that guy highly, as he motivated me to become a skillful 1v1'r I am today (not trying to be arrogant). The sad thing is, I never got to say goodbye to him, and I didn't let him know how much I enjoyed his company. What are my chances of seeing him again? Close to none, and that's the sad part.

I'd also like to mention Taejo (Geunin, etc.). He was a great friend of mine as well, and like Woofcookie, I was unfortunate enough to not be able to say a last farewell.