I decided to make this post due to a large population of the pvp community, including a handful of good ones, grumbling about running and often confusing it with juking.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the term "juking," it's basically of way of tricking your opponent into making
a mistake.

For example, two birds charging at each other. One of the birds would get close enough and back off as soon as he is in range of break armor/repulse/blinding shot in order to prevent himself from getting hit. Therefore leaving the opponent vulnerable from the 12-yard range.

Now that I've explained its meaning, I want to share my insights.

PvP should be a a game of tactic and wit. It saddens me that the majority of PL PvPers, including a lot of good ones(which I wont name) are under the impression that PvP is all about who can mash their buttons the fastest, which to some extent is true. However, adding a little variety or tactic in your gameplay shouldn't make you cheap or a noob.

For example, we all know that full void bird would not kill a decently skilled full rift pally in one burst for the most part. Once the bird casts all his skills, he will be left with nothing to defend himself. On the other hand, the pally would be left with tons of armor, a healing skill, and mana shield, with a capable one-hit combo.

However, most pallies in this situation would expect the bird to somehow stand still and not "run" so they can beat you to death? It's ludicrous.

The first thing I would want to do if all my skills were on CD is to kite my opponent and keep him away from me as much as possible. But somehow, this is viewed as a cheap move.

PL has a very limited PvP mechanic. It's rapidly becoming a first-person shooting game where you shoot all your bullets at the first enemy you see and hope he dies before you run out of bullets. It involves very little skill and when you do add a little tactic that is commonly used in most PvP, you are instantly considered cheap or a noob.

Just sharing my thoughts. Let me know what you think.