Quote Originally Posted by GoodSyntax View Post
My only fear with staggering by the different type of gear means that at any given point in the stagger schedule, only one map will be farmed routinely. If Magmatic Blades of Brutality were the best available, then the only map that would be getting farmed is Elite Wilds. Then, next stagger, the only map getting farmed may be just Jagged Trail, with some residual activity in Wilds.

Right now, since top gear drops from all maps, I farm everything. But, if top gear were only available in one map, I would only farm that one, and eventually, the hardcores would farm that map to the point of market saturation.

The whole premise behind increasingly powerful gear per stagger is to keep income potential high, since non-mythics would want whatever gear is best to farm with that they are able to afford. Also, since previous stagger gear would be discontinued, it may hold some value. honestly, this approach is no different than the release of Architect followed by Hellish and Tarlok. Some people raged, some dealt with it and many got rich, but at least it provided some stimulus to what was, at the time, a completely flat economy.

They could change to whole farming game by running a dual loot table as staggers come. Example: Elite Wilds would drop Mag Dags AND say the next Elite Tank weapon etc... I think that coupled w/ with the weapon tweak suggestion I made above could work if done right.