Quote Originally Posted by Suentous PO View Post
Elites are limited time awards. That IS exclusive.
If you are asking for the rules to change so you can have something you don't have, then it's a bit hypocritical to call someone in my position "greedy" or "selfish" for merely wanting a Recolor. Lol.

Also if they only drop for one month then what about the people who miss out on that? Too bad? Doesn't sound fair either.
If it's either that or nothing sad noobs like you don't care . Let's say a developer was reading this and based on comments and feed back they would decide to re release items or try recoloring . With people like you always looking at the negative and the PROBLEMS we'll face there already thinking no . At this point I guess everybody wants a update but if it's not to your specific likings it doesn't matter and All or nothing . Honestly screw that , I'm all about positivity . Anything is better than nothing . And yeah your selfish , because in small words your saying us who started 2013 are pointless and it's a too bad too sad . And then you noobs complain about price , those items weren't even worth that when they first came out so give it up .