Quote Originally Posted by UndeadJudge View Post
This whole taking away skill switching thing screams BUFF ROGUES to me. Honestly, here's what happens.

4 skill warriors need to give up an attack skill, which is DEVASTATING to their capabilities. I mean realistically, how do you expect a 1 damage skill warrior to kill anything? Obviously they need horn and vb, and in most cases, especially at endgame, jugg is necessary if you don't wanna get blown in 2 shots by 4k crits.

4 skill mages? Here's what happens with 4 skill mages (from experience)

*Mage runs up to warrior*
*Mage spams attack skills (fire/light)*
*Warrior stands there and laughs while the Mage decides to poke some more*
*Mage tries for 5 minutes and runs out of mana*
*Warrior 2 shots Mage with no shield*

And for rogues? We just run around killing everything in sight while other classes can't kill us due to fewer attack skills. Heck, rogues can own with only 3 attack skill anyway.
Yeah, it'll severely nerf mages and warriors in 1v1s. Don't see much impact in 5v5's though, and that's how its meant to be right?

Advice for you if they remove skill switching? If a rogue challenges you to a 1v1, ignore him/her.