Quote Originally Posted by Fusionstrike View Post
The "cost" here that's important is the opportunity cost, not the actual monetary value of the work to make content. Every unit of work they put into PL would be work that's not going into AL. And since they see much higher profits out of AL, they do as much as they can there to maximize profit. Any work done on PL is "wasted" because the return is smaller than what they get on other games. So even if they could throw together a PL expansion in 10 minutes, they wouldn't do it because that's 10 minutes they aren't milking more profit out of AL. That's the business decision they've made, unfortunately for PL players.
Ya, very unfortunate. I'd be happy with BSM II and afterwards BSM III. Just new gear and a slightly different map layout and a nice cap item design. That's all we actually want for new cap. Good content is appreciated but as it looks for now this should be the least PL players want.