Quote Originally Posted by PL•ayer View Post
Who the heck would send that to you?

Tbh, I can understand dudetus for his sarcasm (lol), but you're always helpful...
Some ppl just don't have a sense of humor.

Quote Originally Posted by The Voices View Post
Pretty sure I was the guy xD. I was on my voodoo-mage, Axismage, when I saw him in CS. I'm positive than Sheu stopped talking to me when I asked him to level my mage. LOL
It was some Russian guy on bear, lvl 76, don't remember the name, it's on my Galaxy tab though. I'm too lazy to charge it to check the name. It was as my sig for a while until Alex removed it as the sig was apparently 'too negative'

Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
Ok, I'm not trolling. But seriously, I've gotten the exact same pm before.
Got to agree, it's quite strange that someone says stuff like that to u. I don't recall the situation how my guy got mad at me but I remember it was in a ctf game.