Equipt Pet Idea
With this idea: If you add a small icon that player's on phone/ipad/pc can simply single tap/click to summon/unsummon the current "equipped" pet.
Also useful for all platform's if someone needs a "quick afk break". In a battle zone can tap/click pet out so they don't drain vitality while they take 5.
You could also add "Auto Dismiss Pet" check box in option screen. So it un-summon's your pet if inactive for a whole minute. And re-summon's upon motion.
Skill Bubble Expansion Idea (I am sure this has been suggested a lot already.)
And those with more than the 4 skill/spell rotation's can utilize the extra options in Setup making it easier for users to play. (Some might say it would make certain class's "OP" but I strongly disagree.)

Finally a few in game bug report's I am submitting:
Boss Bug
Frostbyte spider in cave its spell to leash a player to the boss is bugged. It grabs players from sides and behind it even though they were not standing in the red zone for the skill when executed.
It also need's the ice patch spell toned down some it spam's it all over room making it even a pain for long ranged users to even get a shot in.
Unlimited Chest loot Inventory Bug
People with full inventories can still open as many chest's as they want. So if they have 50/50 used space. They can still open as many chest's as they want and get 52/50-82/50 etc. And keep going as much as they want when opening chests. It should say something along the lines of when opening chest's when inventory is full: "Inventory is full: Sell some of your treasure's first then open your chest!"

I have suggested a wide variety of ideas to SOE's(r) gamer platforms. And they have utilized some of the idea's. I hope these idea's I have given you also helps better the game play, and are utilized.
The pet idea was suggested to some in game friends there reply was quite astonishing there was: "Love it!", "Genius!", "That skill idea need's implementation!" I have heard that the "more skill bubble's needed" echoed repeatedly during my many month's in game by lots of people.
