Great hard work, bold decisions should be taken to recover from current endgame situation and this is the one to implement rather based on some 'this sould b nerfed or that' and that leaded to take wrong nerfs in past.

its bold and less work at the same time.

- pve was never so hard with group specially daily blessing but still a group of skilled players/devs have to try dungeon and bosses at skill points 6, to chk its viability.

- Mayb just not eliminating 6-9 skill points, its another solution to greatly nerf 6-9 skill points like mayb >50% for all classes and all skills that means lets say a skill at lvl 7 gives +20 dmg now after nerf it would give anything <= (less than or equal to)+10

-As far as so called 'range glitch ' is concern there are 2differnt things one while at combat if player try to kite he get hitted from a larger distance, - this one mayb falls under glitch but there's one one other range tactic to get extra 2m range which IS NOT GLITCH ATALL and part of game mechanism and definitely players only who know and practice can use this , so it stay.