Also @Itoopeo (forum police cry for double post pls) I was a warbird since 61 cap, until this last cap. Savage warbird has only an advantage on rhinos and dex birds this cap, and even dex birds can kill them easy. I have nothing against warbirds, I just have something against egotistical jerks who have outdated gear, not because they're poor, but because they like to use the outdated sets to call themselves good while they get lucky against others. The fact of it is, you are good at treeing. I'll give you that. Once I get around trees, I lag, die, and get called a stupid treer, bla bla bla. Trees, 60 dodge, and root root shatter blast don't make you good at something. You've left like 4 times, stay gone, there's literally not one person on the forums on your side, because you're a troll. Not the good troll, but the bad, please kill yourself troll. Don't bother me with your wanna be jackass personality, and I'll reply to your next hate comment when my probable 3 day ban is lifted.