Ok so obviously there are buffs and debuffs in this game. How they work is if you have 2 dmg buffs being applied to u then only the higher percent dmg buff would be applied. So lets say u had a 10 percent dmg pet like samael, and a 25 percent dmg elixir, then u would only see the 25 percent dmg elixir being applied and samaels dmg would be irrelevant. This works the same way for debuffs. But if you have a dmg buff and a damage debuff being applied then only the debuff will show your stats because debuffs override buffs. You could have a 100000% dmg buff and a 1% dmg debuff and still only the debuff would apply. Sooooo, when u step into pvp (this only applies in ctf) the 10% dmg debuff is applied, therefore overriding your pet dmg buff and making it do nothing.
I know it sucks im a rogue in twink pvp like you and ive read other threads because i was curious about the same thing. Unfortunately ^^^^ this is how it works