@up: Thanks for info, yea i just noticed that it cost 60k in cs.

1. and 2. can be ignored, it should work whatever i choose to level first (active ofc).

3. Still i would like to get an answer.

4. Hmm 20+?

5. As Fatjabba said, should i buy malison for 60k in cs or some other pet for platinum/gold? I want to buy one now and i would like to keep him till end-game (future when i will be able to buy some expensive pet). I will buy bundles jut for auction slots since its great deal, so i will have some start cash, slots and gear. Don't tell me to save platinum for later please. I wanna have a good start and i know that having low ammount of slots can be pain in the ***, so i will just buy them now, no waste. Just not sure about pet. As far as i can see malison is great in overall usage. But i would like to hear some sugestions.

6. I was looking at vanity items in cs and in store. The strore vanities aren't great and as far as i can see cs have lower price in gold. Sorry, i know its funny but i would like someone to tell me some nice vanities that can be found in cs (no crazy price please.

Have a nice day.