Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
I have all the best gear. I won't say what that is because I think there is some disagreement as to what is best, but let's just say that I tend to favor high armor which most sorcerers do not. I think I will be really tough to kill, and as such I don't know if using heal is the best option. I think having 3 offensive skills will allow me to take down a warrior pretty fast.

The problem with not having heal at end game is that you are rarely going to have a 10 kill streak as once your health is low you will be taken out soon enough unless someone else in your party is nice enough to heal you. But at low levels, your natural health regen will heal you quick enough between battles that you don't really have to worry about it that much -- same goes for mana.
I would like to 1v1 you when your twink is done ;D