Quote Originally Posted by Oldcoot View Post
Quote Originally Posted by chiie View Post
I hate this idea. It's like you guys forget that pve even exists...no pve player wants rings nerfed (or fbows or any other dmg or armor stat for that matter).

If rings are a problem for pvp, then maybe rings shouldn't be allowed in pvp. Just don't mess it up for those of us who luv thrashin' mobs!

Also, there is a whole forum section to discuss pvp-related matters...
There seams to be a great divide between the people who like pvp and the people who like pve. I'm beginning to think that these two platforms cannot exist in the same game an both sides be content.
But in PvE, don't forget that the devs have the ability to adjust the mobs/monsters stats accordingly to the gear and stats of players. I think adjusting PvE is relatively easier.