Quote Originally Posted by Warlord0520 View Post
So your sad to see people complaining about no new content, yet when you played there was a lot of content.... So when you actually play, and are held back due to taking a break, you don't expect an update because you are behind on content so everyone else that's been level 51 with same old stuff for over a year now has to wait longer because we happen to revolve around your opinions that suck up to STS :P jk lol anyways I think we might be getting something, but my hopes aren't up!!!!

Not sure where you were for the part year or two, but SL hasent received barely any new content, that's why people are complaining, and I'm not surprised...
Sorry I think I phrased that wrong :3 I was trying to say it was sad that people are having to ask for updates. Because when I played I remember this game getting plenty of new content.