Hi guys, I would like to say, as a former Monster Hunter Freedom Unite PSP gamer, I find that the ios version beat the hell out of a lot even my poor ps vita can't get this game on PSN(why errors, errors, errors) while ios you pay and puff you are permitted to get the game downloading. I hate ios store that not suppose to replace my vita, but now I spent 145 hours on Mhfu ios while manage to just get into high rank quest. This game online multiplayer is way too addictive that I have to force myself to leave great hunting party that makes slashing, bashing, shooting and distracting monster so much fun. Facing a monster on high rank quest us a true test, challenge and ordeal if play alone, but is a trill ride and enjoying running around for each hunter to get that sweet spot in online multiplayer.

Flaws: I get my fare share of joining groups made up of complete noobs/Leeroys, seriously they charge in get hit go near death and instead of healing or running for safety, they do it again......lol I was lucky to kill those bosses before disaster fell upon the team. But failures is always there to remind you that not all people who buy this game are veterans. I also met insane g rank players, they do what they do best, lower their hp, power pills, sleep shot, Greatsword charge.....bam Tigrex dead in one minute. Never before I witness such stunt with my character there to see them doing it all it's glory. Japanese g rank players, they can dodge invisibly in a tail swipe that I'll use ages to master it.