Been waiting for someone else to bring this up but. . .

Initially, we had all three classes selectively upgrading one stat, while happily ignoring the other two out of the given three. With an update to the game, we were duly informed to take a more balanced approach.

However, the Loot items still require heavily unbalanced stats for your character to be able to equip them. Without going into extreme detail; let’s say you have an archers green cloak. Level requirement states Lvl. 6. Your character is a Lvl. 7. Your thinking to yourself now all’s I gotta do is equip it. But Noooo. You need your Dex to be all the way up at 45.

Because you have been distributing a measly 5 pts. between three variables every time you level up, there is no way your character is going to get to Dex 45 before he hits lvl. 13 at least. If even then. But assuming that you do somehow manage it, by when a Lvl. 6 cloak is pretty much obsolete anyways. And I’m not going to pay $0.99 to unbalance my character. Tho I’m really tempted to.

I really hope that someone can cook up a solution to this. Sorry if the point has already been raised and dealt with. Also noticed that it’s too easy to sell loot from your inventory by mistake. Almost lost my smokey jacket. Well, I did loose one. Forced my way through to loot another two. Might wanna slip in an are you sure you want to sell this item window before liquidating. I’m also not sure if the same problem can occur on the character screen. An accidental delete.

Well, that’s pretty much all I can think of at the moment. Need to be able to equip loot with a balanced distribution of stats as opposed to concentration on just strength and/or dexterity. Oh-yeah, and an are you sure you want to sell/delete this item/character.