Your welcome!

Now for your formulas... I've used that formula before but rejected it as I see too many inconsistencies with the data I gathered.

With the mana pool formula, if you apply the rule of rounding up to the nearest integer... The results will not match the data in the table...
For example, if you're going to use INT 30, the result would be exactly 615 which matches. When INT 31 is used, the result would be 615.5. If you apply the rule of rounding up, it matches. Now if you use INT 33, the result would be 616.5. If you apply the same rule, the result will not match the data.

With MP/s formula, still the same inconsistencies apply...
If you use INT 10, the result would be 0.98 which would match with the data if not rounded up...
If you use INT 11, the result would be 1 which would match with the data...
If you use INT 60, the result would be 1.98 which would not match with the data but if rounded up, it will...

Now tell me about the word seeded... Not familiar with it...
Oh and thank you for taking an interest in the table's missing formulas...