Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
Here's a better idea IMO.... Add to the game a mechanism by which players can rent their gear for a certain length of time. Let's call this the "rental shop".

Players could purchase rental shop slots for plat or story tokens, same as with the consignment shop. One slot would allow you to rent one item at a time. If you want to rent more, you need more slots (same as the auction).

It could be the same time intervals as the consignment shop uses (12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days). You can list your item for rent at whatever price, and then the item automatically returns to the rental shop at the end of the rental period so that the owner can go pick it up, just like you would pick up an item from the consignment shop after the listing expires.

The rented item will appear the same in the renter's inventory, except it will have the words "(rental)" after its name, and will not be tradable.

This would allow players to rent items to try them out before purchasing, and will also allow players to have more fun on occasion by being fully geared. You could even extend these rentals to eggs and allow a rental egg to be hatched by the renter, but then it returns to its egg when it goes back to the original user.
Good idea but it could be easily abused so STS won't implement :/