Quote Originally Posted by Snakespeare View Post
Duke, there's not much you can do about that. But map 5 of Lost Expedition, over and over, will get you some more pinks. Every Ice Demon has a chance to drop one, and one day I actually got four pinks in one run.

That is an honorable way to level ("game plan of finishing all of the quests in order (within practicality) and moving on to the next zone when I'm done with all quests"), but it isn't practical. The elite quests can wait, in my opinion, until after Swamps, or even until after level cap.
I swore I wouldn't respond to you anymore, Snake, but I can't help it. You're such a hypocrite!!! In one post you say people should only be allowed to farm an area that's appropriate for their level, preventing lvl 50s from farming lower-level areas. Then in another post you recommend someone wait for the level cap before they do a lvl 30 campaign!

Make up your da** mind!!!!

That's all, I'm going back to not repsonding. I just felt someone needed to respond to this BS.