Quote Originally Posted by Gragorak View Post
No, those numbers are based on MMOs in general and aren't specific to any single MMO. Only reason I posted it was just to prove Obee wrong when he said that most MMO players are teens. I've never said anything about AL's players or their ages. My guess is that at least 80% of AL players are teens or younger, but it doesn't have anything to do with the researches I linked.

You can lol as much as you want, but it doesn't change the facts. Guess who is more credible source, a respected scientist who has spent years studying this matter (Nick Yee) or some random anonymous forum user who just chooses to believe what he wants? I'd say the respected scientist.

Here's what wikipedia says about Nick Yee and his studies regarding MMOs:

"Nick Yee is an American researcher who studies self-representation and social interaction in virtual environments. Yee earned his bachelor's degree in psychology from Haverford College (with a concentration in computer science) and received his Ph.D. in communication from Stanford University in 2007. He is a research scientist at the Palo Alto Research Center in California.

The Daedalus Project, his research into the psychology and sociology of MMORPGs, has collected survey data from over 40,000 game players. The research that has resulted from these interviews has been cited extensively by game scholars, game developers, and popular media. Yee's research has appeared in The New York Times,[1] The Wall Street Journal,[2] BusinessWeek,[3] and CNN International,[4] among other media outlets."

Also, if you are so sure that most of MMO players are teens/kids, why don't you link a study that suggests so?
Lol do you also have some good sources? Everyone knows wikipedia is a terrible source (except for 1% or smthn) and some weird scientist nobody knows I'll lol at him as much as I want, concluding online surveys and wikipedia are useless.