Don't let this thread fall off the first page ;-;
Lvl 51 dashbro-SL currently pvping and waiting for a update....see ya around....
KEEP DIS THREAD ALIIIVE only because muffins says so!
+.+ zen don't leave sl
Lvl 51 dashbro-SL currently pvping and waiting for a update....see ya around....
Back to the first page you go Hows Pvp on SL nowadays
Good! Twink is dead, all new gens now BUHUHUHU, endgame is still ok, still farming all the ops with custom blade!
The thread.. Its back!
e.e get dis thread out its ancient D;
1618 post
Now days since the vets have mostly quit new players that have good skills are arising
Opertiveewdiepiexxxx/drioyard(his been holding his spot for a while)/insanite
Commando:Noobysnackss/dashbro(of course)/Ghostlyeyes(when he isn't lazy)
Engineer:uafuad/artofwar(aow for short)/zodiack/
For the past few weeks:dashbro/ghostlyeyes/UAFAUD.
Let me know if I have missed or put someone in there by mistake
Last edited by Xxnavysealxx; 09-27-2014 at 07:51 AM.
This is a old thread don't disrespect it with Nublets like ghostleyes