Quote Originally Posted by .no View Post
What potential idea? Gems are here, and there are only so many. You and others with millions buy them up, supply goes down, prices go up? How's that hard to understand?
Correct. Who's choice is it to sell? The owner of the item. They should have the choice, no? Alternatively, I could say that you are trying to control the economy by keeping them non-trade-able.

One of your points for this, is for poorer players to be able to recoup/make gold from selling a tradable gem. Gem becomes tradable- good chance they will do just that, sell. And who's waiting on the other side with millions....
Why is this such a bad thing? They make money and are happy, we make money and are happy. That is how an economy works, no? It's certainly better than the absolute standstill we currently have.