Also...you can ACTUALLY identify if it has a grand version by looking at the luminosity of the gem which itself suggests its a non-grand version.
Winter event is supposed to be more awesome than halloween, but plati reward seems less interesting than para stone
Great! Just hope the bosses are properly balanced unlike the Halloween bosses were (at first) lel
- Reaching platinum tier on multiple account will be worthless because the new gems are not worth it
- Running for the leader board is not worth the prize whatever it is simply because it will be a 4 weeks event
- more disappointments on the way
I mean seriously this is the BIG winter event ?
I see a great war twinking petnwohooo!
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Oh the unbearable and dreadful excitement of waiting in ANTICIPATION for the new vanities.
I hope there is a yeti vanity
Assuming the gem is the stats for lvl 41, so lvl 10 crit would be .5crit 1 dex, 1int, 1str? So far im not impressed with anything :-/
This gem gonna rock imo at lower as 20 level
I have lvl 17 rogue 18 crit already with glacian if i go pretty full with new gem i can hit 30% of crit on lvl 17 thats insane O.O
i dislike this new gem and para gem. sts should play with stats more.
like +50 str dex int & 70% crit but
- 70% dodge or - 800 armor or. -2500 hp or something.
#rogue legends 2015.