Quote Originally Posted by Arrowz View Post
Since the event has started the price of the eyes of syrillax have been dropping and earlier today they were as low as 480k. For me this was good news because i wanted to buy 5 for my twink and i was going to have just enough to buy that 5 after i bought 600 plat next week and sold ankhs/luck elixirs. Then when i get home today i see that the eyes have rose all the way up to 840k so i ask my guild if anybody knows what happened and apparently one person has decided to buy all of the eyes to drive up the price. Some of you may know who im talking about. This upsets me because players with more gold than they could ever need to take advantage of average players like myself just to make more money for themselves. Yes i realize this isnt against the rules of the game or anything and they should be motivated out of self interest but i just wanted to let those of you who are doing so are negatively impacting the game experience for others.
It's gonna get lower... because the demand is lower in that price, so the market will corrected themselves to meet the demand side...