Quote Originally Posted by Trancemaster View Post
I feel you man. The health bar doesn't change even you are receiving/received damage from an opponent. It's very annoying and I never know when to use heal but, don't give up quickly. It take time and practice until you got the hang of twinking and pvping. Your k/d may be a bit on the negative side in the beginning, but don't worry about that. Join a twinking guild, so you can pvp with them and they can help you if you're getting teamed.
I did, I'm a Grins player, Ive done twinking, got all the builds, problem was the Hp bar glitch, ive been getting better after the updates, but then my reign of happiness got destroyed when the oppisate team called 3 breezes on a 5 v 2 match (me and guildie were the 2) and then on top of that, I find out that mage's have been buffed (which is fine, but they had 3 mages.. so.. yeah)