Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
I agree with irandom regarding places to farm. If you want to be plat efficient use 2x elix, 8 plat for 30 mins or 7 plat in guild hall.

Please collect your daily blessings hopefully you get lucky with a combination elix.

Your level 75, I suggest level up to level 76 at least. Which ever way you do it via mega maze, plazma, lost valley, nest or magma runs.

Magma runs the best loots are level 75 armors. There is a extra mini bear that drops pinks too.
If you do the quests and keep the "knight fox got burnt" quest don't hand it in. The extra mini bird boss appears each run and drops pinks as well.

Then you can farm red slayer, you unlock it by wearing your 76 eye vanity cap and entering a hole in town between the two tents.

In red slayer you need a good team too, ensure all have combo or plat elix. You can use 2x or 4x elix.
If you want more of a chance to loot the starry garbs, which are worth over 7 million gold now, try classy looter it's 60 plat per hour (expensive but sometimes the risk pays off, it's not guaranteed).

Or farm vampire feast on 2x plat elix.
For mystery dragon drops.

And there's nuri plat paid dungeon.
Where you use 4x elix and take if the luck elix, and use classy looter. Don't wear lucky hat vanity.
Glyph steels are an orange drop and you don't want your drops to reroll.

Good luck in your goal.
guys i appreciate all the help, but none of you are actually answering my question...
i want to know the ONE single way that gives most gold from farming using plat, where times not option
so i know umentioned paid nuri, feast n slayer, but WHICH one is best???

oh btw i got to l76 last night so i can do slayer now

thanks all!