to get back on the topic this thread was started on, if you're on gurg and everyone's dying, which i've seen a million times, there's three reasons why this is happening:

1- they are all lagging
2- their sound isn't working properly (on my galaxy i can't hear creature sounds like grunts after about 2 or 3 hours of straight playing and running dungeons over n over without powering off)
3- they just suck

if the reason is number 3, and with any of my characters i can solo him, of course it's harder with my warrior who's not specked to range, but if i'm there and on my enchantress and i see that happening, i just stop reviving them and keep soloing the boss. if they decide to not respawn, well, then when he's about to die, i log out keeping myself from getting the loot but also making sure they just wasted the 20 minutes or so it took me to get him about to die hoping they'll get some free goodies, but making them REALLY angry because they tried to leach something and, well, they just wasted their time and i run to another dungeon and laugh a little bit to myself sadistically