Quote Originally Posted by Serancha View Post

The Frost Fiend was excellent.


• I ran for an entire month and did not loot a single eye. The drop rate was stupidly low. That month of runs included 3 characters to platinum tier along with other toons run also.

• The result of the above means the reward for plat tier was a single gem and an unusable item. Even after the "buff" of the eye, it was in no way worth the time, effort and cost.

• The cost to craft the eye even if you looted one was totally out of proportion, including an item costing 10 platinum.

• The severe decrease in normal essence drops meant that fair players had little chance to make gems unless they were unemployed and able to run tombs a minimum of 6 hours per day.

• Ursume crates had nothing noteworthy in them, making them practically valueless. The only reason they had any value at all was because of Whim, and not many could afford the amount of plat necessary to obtain one.

• Greater Ice Chests had absolutely nothing in them. What was the point in even having them?

Overall the event was extremely disappointing, overly time-consuming, totally overpriced and a terrible waste of time for no reward.