Quote Originally Posted by kinzmet View Post
Dueling feature

This can be a great addition in the coming expansion aside from new level cap, maps, weapons, monsters, bosses, quest etc.

  • Specifications
    1. Doesn't need to have KDR, Just enough to try out each other in 1v1.
    2. Maybe enable it in towns (since we can already use our skills in towns).
    3. Make a countdown, like how Inan'hesh-enrage-kind of countdown before duel starts. Or the Arena kind countdown.
    4. Will have a message for everyone in the room to read, like how "PlayerA kills PlayerB" in PVP rooms are. But make it "PlayerA won against PlayerB" to differentiate.
    5. Make the "duel invite" works like the "trade invite". If the challenged accept the the duel commence, if not then a note to both "PlayerB declines duel challenge" like how "PlayerB cancels trade".
    6. Make it so, that maximum of 3 to 5 pairs can duel per room if you worry about lagginess.
    7. Make the fireworks animation from looting locks be on with the winner after the duel.
    8. Just make a checkbox of enable or disable potions/elixirs in duel on options. The challenger will determine what kind of duel (from his duel option setting). When a duel notification pops, the challenged can see if its a potion/elixir enabled or disabled kind of duel.
    9. Make a setting on not accepting duel, for the people who want to disable the feature.
    10. Duel ends when:
      • One of them have his health reach 0 hp.
      • Both of them have their health reach 0 hp at the same time.
      • Nobody loses even a health point within 5 seconds after duel starts.
      • Either or both logs out, change maps or disconnected.
    11. In case of draws, the message will be "PlayerA and PlayerB draws in the duel".
    12. Both idle within 5 secs after the duel start, logouts, change maps and disconnection will result to a draw.
    13. After the duel any buff, debuff, HoT or DoT gained during the duel will be removed.

    Its very simple, most of the features are already in the game. Just a few tweeks from the developers and its good to go!
  • Recycle codes
    1. Dying in towns are possible already ie, Kraag canoons and Deth's touch in Halloween event.
    2. Skills are already usable in towns.
    3. No need to create new maps for this.
    4. We already have existing countdowns, ei. Inan'hesh enrage and Arena start countdowns.
    5. Recycle the script on PVP about who kills who.
    6. The "Trade invite" can be used as a method, just recycle the code and tweek to "Duel Challenge"
    7. The "Not accepting Party invite" setting can be used as "Not accepting Duel" setting.
    8. When you click/tap on a character an small option window appears and theres a blank tab on "Invite" option. The first two was "Party" and "Guild", you can add "Duel".

  • What can we get from here?
    1. This would make AL towns becomes really interesting and a sight to behold.
    2. It will also be a breather from the same old maps in PVP for years.
    3. The classes can test there full capability here without the nerfs and buffs.
    4. Fun way to challenge skills and tactics without thinking about KDR.
    5. Kill farmers will be discourage because they will have to prove their KDR is real in duels .
    6. Less spot blocking/kill farming/ganging complain/drama threads.
    7. Every MMORPG have a duel feature.

All of these were just on the top of my head at the moment, maybe other forumers/players have better idea. Please make this happen Remiem, there had been a lots of threads like this on suggestion and general discussion section that was not answered or considered by mods/devs. Those were threads even from when I was just starting in this game.

Happy new year too! And may we share another year of fun game and active forum interactions.
+10000 its like pvp expansion of the game .A most awaited feature.