Quote Originally Posted by TerryDarc View Post
Mouse?! Really. I played my wife's tablet and BOY! was that a lot easier moving. I love the fast-fire keys (1-4) but moving...I am the SLOWEST creature in PL.

There should be a Chrome or Chromebook thread somewhere. I understand the idea of balancing your Str/Int/Dex and b/c I've got a lot of Dex, I'd like to be able to trade. Cannot, cannot find in the Gear-thingy anything (Skills, Avatar, Store, etc) where I could shift some Dex to something else.

Here's another maybe stupid question: who can rev other than a mage/sorceress? I swear I saw a rhino do it a couple nights ago. Thanks for all your support and non-snarky answers!
Yes rhinos also have the power to rev and heal just like mages and yes tablets for pl are a 10/10 to play on