Quote Originally Posted by for the lulz View Post
Okay so basically , its a long story and im on my tablet so I dont feel like typing so much , but I will. Just don't expect me to use proper grammar and spelling 2lazy4dat

He and I met a few days ago in humania and we got into a conversation about his girlfriend. He kept telling me about how she left him for this other guy who was richer(y do ppl date on pl). He just went on and on and I cud make out that he really liked this girl cus he was mad at her but he kept saying all sorts of thjngs in her praise like - oh she was so awesome etc. Then he messaged me a screenshot of their breakup texts and then he sent me her pictures and stuff . Honestky I just wanted him to feel better so I said - shes ugly , u cud do alot better. He got pissed said - what the heck r u tryna say bro?
and then I was like - im just saying that ur a cool looking guy with a good personality and u could find someone better irl

And then he was like - are u hitting on me

And I was like - what the....noooo!!!!

*40 minutes silence , no texts*

And he was like- awkward.....

We did talk for a few days and I was really really upset about it cus I was just being normal and he had to go ahead and make everything weird. AAAANNNNYYWAYS we met today again in shadow and he was a wreck so I was like - whats wrong
He was still sad but he had a plan to get her back and he needed my help. Basically I was supposed to publicly praise him and say stuff like - wow ur so cool!!
it was an okay plan but I was still mad at him so I wasnt gonna help him. Then I said - this is ridiculous , we're done.
And then he was like - NO NO PLS
And then he offered me 1k.... what the heck.....who the hell does that ? He seriously thinks my loyalty can be bought ??? and that its only worth 1k??? My loyalty is easily worth 100k atleast , so we're in the middle of a negotiation.
he offered me 2.3 mil
i told him he should pay the girl off instead