Quote Originally Posted by Fusionstrike View Post
It's sad to hear this news. You get credit for making the announcement (as unpopular as it is) rather than just letting it limp along by avoiding the issue.

When the development on PL ramped down, I searched around for another game that I could enjoy in its place. I didn't find anything that captured the same fun though. The pace, complexity, and general gameplay of PL is uniquely engaging. It finds a great balance between depth of content and "casual breeziness" that I haven't found elsewhere. You can have a lot of fun playing it without having to invest your whole life just to keep up (but you can invest as much time as you want when you feel like binging). Add to that the multi-platform support and single, unified world (i.e. no segmentation into distinct servers) and you really have something good.

It's a shame that you don't want to keep developing on it, because you have a great foundation to build on and a good "tone" of content that makes it a fun place to explore. That makes it a double-edged sword, though, because it really hurts when something good gets yanked away before its time. I'm with Sue on not wanting to go down this road with you again based on this experience, which really is too bad. But I don't regret the fun I've had along the way.
Wow sums up EXACTLY how I feel 100%. Good job Fusionstrike