Sorry rouges are way op. On my full mythic sorc w para and I'm get owned all the time by rouges w exp bows and worse. I use a PvP build and have gotten very good at it on my rouge I know what I'm doing but don't stand a chance on my sorc. People seem to think that because of aoe sorcs are useful in a brawl, but if your first aoe doesn't kill people in a brawl u get killed accidentally by your opponents in it. The auction house alone should be able to tell u which class is best at cap. Rogue gear is most expensive because the most competitive players choose to play them, not because they all choose to play them, but because it allows them to be most the effective. In a game where there was any balance the prices for a mythic item for sorc would be about the same for the equivalent rogue or warrior item.