Week 4 of the Tour of Arlor Challenge finishes with elite Tindirin and Planar Tombs. To complete this weeks challenge, players must complete (and submit valid screenshots of) the specified elite maps for these two zones. The maps to complete are as follows:
Elite Tindirin
- The Wilds
- Jagged Trail
- Magma Corridor
- Caves of Tarewa
- Rockhorn Summit
Elite Shuyal
- Planar Tombs I
- Planar Tombs II
- Planar Tombs III
These special vanities are unique in-game and will only be awarded to those that complete all four weekly challenges!
Don't miss your opportunity to wear a piece of AL history!
This means that the only way to get these vanities is to EARN them. Wear them proudly!
Week 3 has continued with nearly the same number of screenshots as Weeks 1 and 2. With nearly 800 posts, and each post averaging about 5-6 screenshots, we continue to have a difficult time keeping up. Most of you have followed the posting guidelines below, which has made entry easier, so Thank You!
- Keep your party the same for all screenshots on one post! If your party changes, start up a separate post.
- Try to post maps in order when possible
- If you are running the same map over and over, start up a new post when you change maps
- Please do not post more than 5 screenshots at a time (unless you are posting all maps in order once)
- Full size screenshots only please! The super-small screenies make it especially difficult to enter the names correctly
- Try to get some separation between players - 4 players stacked on top of eachother makes it tough to tell if you're on-screen, or whether you are a sorc, tank or rogue.
- No duplicates please. If you accidentally upload the same screenshot twice (or more) on the same post, edit and remove it.
- Name the map. Some maps look very similar, so to avoid confusion, let us know which map is which.
Remember, there are only a few of us trying to keep up with hundreds of players posting screenshots around the clock. Even though it is an application based system, data entry is still a manual process, and we are all putting A LOT of time into this, so please, try to make the work a little bit easier. A large-scale event like this has never been created before, and the workload is immense! Anything that you can do to help make entry and validation more efficient will be greatly appreciated.
- To receive points, you must post ONE screenshot for you and your party, with all players visible on screen. Players that leave early or are not on screen will not receive points!
- Only players with their <Guild Tag> visible will receive points
- The boss must be visibly dead on screen OR the chat box must be visible and show the boss loot. If I can't see the loot in chat, nor the dead boss, NO POINTS will be awarded!
- At least one player in party must say the secret phrase. If I do not see this phrase in chat or in a chat bubble, the screenshot will be discarded, and no points awarded!
- No duplicate posts! Duplicates will be discarded, so party members, discuss before the run who will post the screenshot. Sorting out duplicates are a pain in the neck, so please be courteous and avoid duplicate posts.
- There are no restrictions on party size or party make up. You can run solo, with guildmates, with friends from other guilds, or even in PUGs.
- Any screenshot posted after the end-time (see timer below) will be discarded.
Secret Phrase is:
Please remember, if I don't see the phrase in chat or in a chat bubble, NO POINTS WILL BE AWARDED!
- Each player will receive 1 point for each successful run (tanks receive 2 points). You can run the same map over and over if you choose.
- In order to receive the one-time weekly bonus of 100 points, you must complete EVERY MAP in the challenge (i.e, run all 10 maps at least once).
Top Guild of the Week by points scored: 1,000,000 gold (payable to the guild master of the winning guild)
1st: 500,000 gold + Grimm Egg
2nd: 250,000 gold + Grimm Egg
3rd: 100,000 gold + Grimm Egg
4th - 25th: 50,000 gold
Unlike last weeks challenge, this will be a four (4) day event. These maps are scaled to level 40 maps and will be more difficult than the preceding two weeks, so an additional day has been added. Completing all maps this week still shouldn't take much too time, and for those looking to get to the top of the leaderboard, it will take more significantly more effort to keep up the same volume of posts per day (almost 400 posts per day last week).
Start Time: Start Time Countdown
EndTime: End Time Countdown
I have built a tracking website so players and guilds can keep track of where they stand, which maps have/haven't been completed, activity, etc.
You can access this website at the following URL: Tour of Arlor Tracking Website
If you have any questions about this website, please feel free to PM me, or anyone on the event management team here (Twoxc, Blipz, KingMartin, Candylicks, Raregem, Starkinea)
**And guys, no funny business please. I put this together in my (limited) free time, and I am hosting this out of my home network. If I see any funny business, or any behavior that I don't like, I will shut this down, because the security of my home network is more important to me than what happens in game here. So, please, be respectful with what I am trying to do for you folks and don't ruin it for everyone else.**
If you have any questions or comments, please post them to the main, planning thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?204843