Quote Originally Posted by OPest View Post
I was reading all of this, and noticed HOW sts learned from past, I mean from the older games and what people criticized over time, so ofc I think this gonna be an well polished game.

BTW, who'll be able to play alpha version?
Quoting Justg on page 4 or 5, "We'll invite some of our most prolific PvP'ers into Alpha."

Quote Originally Posted by Trenton View Post
Ok so maybe I skimmed over this, but

1. Is this cross platform (as in Android can play with Apple people) or are Android and iOS on two different servers?
2. Is there a sign-in like all the Legends games? Meaning I can play on my phone during the day, and log into my tablet during the night with the same progress?
1. Got this from a toucharcade article

"The idea for the game is that it will try to distill down MOBA mechanics into bite-size portions. There are no item shops, no minions, nor jungles. You start off with all your powers, though you can pick up powerups. You'll fight other players online in real-time with support for cross-platform multiplayer, and Spacetime's promising around 20 characters at launch with up to 40 down the road. And there will be no pay-to-win mechanics, you'll just be able to speed up the unlocking of other characters."

So crossplatform, aka apple will play with android ect. Its already been said that you will be uniquely identified, and you will have champion progression, so I'd assume there is a login. Correct me if I'm wrong.